Thursday, May 7, 2009

Preparing for Spring Launch!

Can't wait to get Trefoil back in the water again! We spent the second two weeks of April in Maryland; part of the time we were installing toe rail chocks, cleaning the boat, touching up some bottom paint, and some other jobs, and part of the time we were with our friends Rick and Carol Clarke. Saturday, April 27 was a glorious day, when the four of us delivered their Tartan 34, Victoria, across the Chesapeake from Galesville to Oxford. That the Atomic 4 was sleepy from winter storage and didn't want to run more than 3 minutes at a stretch that day didn't really matter, as the winds cooperated fully!

Launch day for Trefoil is May 15. We plan to spend a few days exploring the northern Chesapeake before heading back to Lake Champlain for the summer. Let's hope for good weather for the return trip. Colby will stay home this time, resting up for summer sailing on the lake.